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Paws and Leaves – A Last Tale is a story-based 3rd person game in which you experience the journey of the cutest of all foxes. His name is Me.

Unfortunately, Me’s fate is already sealed, as he is bitten by a snake at the beginning of the game and is now somewhere in the woods.

You will be confronted with the beautiful and joyful, but also the sorrowful and sad moments in the fox’s life and together with Ani, a little blue butterfly, you will search for his memories.


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The company grownarts is a sole proprietorship, represented by Florian Haase. The company’s vision is to develop media and video games that deal with difficult and social (taboo) topics and motivate the player to deal with these topics intrinsically and actively.

With Paws and Leaves – A Last Tale, this vision will begin in the form of a video game that deals with the topics of death and dying and at the same time inspires players to reflect and be entertained.


There will be more to read and hear about this soon.


Dear Content Creator,

We are very pleased if you like our project and would like to tell your community about it. We have set up a form here which you can fill out and register yourself into our list for content creators / streamers.

Even if we don’t get in touch with you for a while, it doesn’t mean that we’re ignoring you, it means that we’re not yet ready to give you access to something that we’re confident and provides enough content for you. Especially with an eye on our Kickstarter campaign, we would like to plan together with you when we will be showing content.

It’s not important to us how big you are, it’s important to us that you and your community understand our project and fit in with it.

We are still far away from a gold release stage and we have already experienced in the past that giving the game to every creator without instructions can lead to frustration and we want to avoid that. We also don’t expect playtesting and bug-searching, because we (mostly) know about these and have a lot of them in the current phase.

A prototype is just a prototype and there has to be awareness for this.

It is essential for us to achieve a wide audience and enthuse many people for Paws and Leaves. Otherwise we won’t be able to realize our vision and also you will not have the content that your community is looking for and that would not be in our interest.

We look forward to getting to know you and your community.



    Accelerated Development.


    During the development of our playable teaser, Paws and Leaves – Roots of Me, we worked on Unity Engine version 2021.1 until May 2022. By this point, our build and compile times had increased significantly over the course of development. As a result, one day a week, a workstation was busy creating the latest build for the game and could not be used for any other creative work during those times.

    As a young indie studio, we drive our game development with funding. Primarily, this covers our fix costs, so we enjoy the freedom to fully focus on our dream project itself. But unfortunately, when our time is shortened by higher calculations in the engine, e.g. for light and shadow, the time we could actually be creative is shortened as well.

    That’s why we’re so glad NVIDIA approached us, because ever since then we can again do what we’re supposed to do: work creatively and productively on our dream project.

    As a result of our cooperation with NVIDIA, we got a MSI P100X workstation, provided by that is validated by NVIDIA Studio and were able to experience its advantages firsthand. The combination of hardware and software runs out-of-the-box without any trouble. We had no issues with updating our game version with the new engine version of Unity and can now also benefit from the RTX acceleration in the Unity. Compilation times have dropped significantly, which allows us to spend more time developing the game again instead of e.g. creating builds or compiling shader variants. NVIDIA Studio allowed us to bring back time, time that we can spent for creative work on our dream game.